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Assessment & Reports

About assessment

What kinds of assessment do we offer?

We will be able to identify neurodevelopmental differences such as ADHD, Autism, Specific Learning Disorders (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia), and Intellectual Disability or Giftedness.

We offer reports in support of visa applications.

What happens during an assessment?

  1. Initial meeting. The first step will be a clinical interview with you and/or your child. In this first meeting, your clinician will form an understanding of the questions you would like answered and the goals for assessment, and the clinician will give an indication of the types of assessment that may be needed and how long this will likely take. The number of assessment sessions/hours of contact we need depends on what assessment package you book and whether further follow-up is needed, but the average is 2-4 hours of total assessment time.
  2. Information gathering. After the initial appointment, you will be emailed links to online questionnaires that are completed on your computer/smartphone. The results are returned to me. Please send your clinician as much additional relevant information as possible. This may include but is not limited to
    • Medical reports
    • NAPLAN results
    • Past hearing test results
    • Previous allied health or psychological reports.
    • School report cards
    • You may be asked to provide consent for the psychologist to contact the professionals you or your child has seen.

3. On the day of the assessment, please arrive with a water bottle, and food, and be well-rested. Then you and/or your child will meet with your clinician to complete the assessments.

4. Please note that for cognitive assessments, parents are asked to wait in the waiting room so that results are standardised (that is we are able to compare results to the cohort that the assessment was designed with).

5. After our assessment and all questionnaires are complete, we will meet for a feedback session where we talk through the assessment outcomes. You may or may not receive formal identification (or diagnosis). If assessment outcomes suggest there are no diagnostic implications, we will discuss the overall clinical picture of your strengths and differences during our feedback session.

6. Then, your clinician will summarise feedback results into a comprehensive report. The report will be sent to you via email within 4 weeks after feedback. You may then choose to forward this report to others (for example, you may wish to send the report to your child’s school). 

How do I book appointments?

Please email or call (07)2800 7400 to book in yourself or your child for assessment.

Please note that there is currently a waiting time of approximately 6-8 weeks for assessment appointments.

About Us

Louisa Mason (B.Sc(Psych) (Hons); MPsych) is a Registered Psychologist, who has a Masters in Educational and Developmental Psychology. Louisa has completed over 6 years of formal education in psychology. Louisa has been providing psychological assessment, counselling, and intervention to children and families through nongovernment organisations, in Private Psychology practice, and in Qld health.

Psychological therapy and assessment can feel clinical. Therapy at Wattle Psychology take a different approach

At Wattle psychology we seek to:

  • To understand people broadly, rather than narrowing in on a single issue or diagnosis.
  • To create a relational, empathetic, and understanding therapy and assessment environment.
  • To create purposeful therapeutic relationships.
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