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We Value Relationships and Change.

We Value people.

Based in Brisbane, our Psychologist offers perinatal psychology services for new mothers, therapy for children and teens, and assessment.


Therapy and assessment with us is collaborative. In our first session, we work with you to determine your goals and questions you want answered and communicate openly with you throughout therapy and assessment processes.


Fixed Price

We provide upfront information about assessment packages.
Our first meeting can assist in determining the package that might suit your needs


We aim for a 4-week turnaround for assessments. Migration reports can be completed with a two-week turnaround if urgent.

Psychological therapy and assessment can feel clinical. Therapy at Wattle Psychology take a different approach

At Wattle psychology we seek to:

  • To understand people broadly, rather than narrowing in on a single issue or diagnosis.
  • To create a relational, empathetic, and understanding therapy and assessment environment.
  • To create purposeful therapeutic relationships.


Therapy creates a safe space where people can process experiences and emotions, reflect, and have much-needed conversations that bring clarity and empowerment. Therapy is a space to reflect on needs, strengths, and family history, and to pinpoint and explore patterns of feeling, thinking, or relating that might be contributing to overwhelm, frustration, anxiety, or low mood.

Louisa’ therapeutic approach is integrative; however, she draws mainly on attachment-informed therapies such as Schema Therapy, person-centered therapy, and the Circle of Security Framework.


Wattle psychology has been developed out of the passion to see children and adults find support, empathy, and understanding in their schools and workplaces. Our detailed assessments and reports will help pinpoint areas of strengths and challenges in our assessment process.

About Us

Louisa Mason (B.Sc(Psych) (Hons); MPsych) is a Registered Psychologist, who has a Masters in Educational and Developmental Psychology. Louisa has completed over 6 years of formal education in psychology. Louisa has been providing psychological assessment, counselling, and intervention to children and families through nongovernment organisations, in Private Psychology practice, and in Qld health.

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